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Articles and resources for course creators.
How to write your expert bio for your course sales page
I constantly see course creators struggle when they have to write their expert bio for their sales page. And I totally sympathize—talking about yourself is hard! Fortunately, when you’re writing a bio for a sales page, whether you’re selling an online course, a group coaching program, a one-on-one service, or a digital product, you can keep it pretty simple. It doesn’t need to be as detailed as your full About Me page on your website might be. Ready to write your expert bio for your sales page?
Every social media image size you need to promote your course in 2022
So you’ve created a lead magnet, recorded a webinar, or launched an online course. Now you get to promote it! This is every social media image size you need for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Do you need to sell services before launching an online course?
Unpopular Opinion: Creating online courses is NOT the right move for every business. Do you need to start with services? Maybe! These are some factors you should consider and how how to decide.
5 sales page mistakes that are killing your course sales
Bad sales pages are the death of great online courses. If you’ve created an online course and it launched to a nice, crisp bellyflop even though, by all rights, it should be selling… the first thing you should do is reevaluate your sales page. These are some mistakes I see over and over again that will cause your sales page to fall flat.
How to get AMAZING testimonials for your online course or service
How do you ask your course students or clients for testimonials + make sure they write something you can actually USE on your sales page? It’s all about asking the right questions! Here’s how to get great testimonials.
Why you should never offer “Lifetime Access” to your course
It comes up over and over again in online course creation circles. “Should I offer my students lifetime access to my course?” The truth is, customers LOVE lifetime access. Because you’re basically promising them a unicorn. Lifetime access is not just a myth; it’s also dangerous to your business.